
Calling on a real estate hunter, the solution for expatriates!

Calling on a real estate hunter, the solution for expatriates!

Nowadays, many people go to live abroad or simply to another city for personal or professional reasons or both. But when you have to look for a property in another country or in another city, it is not always easy, far from it. The intervention of a real estate hunter may then be a solution to consider.

The job of a real estate hunter

We have, on multiple occasions, presented to you the job of real estate hunter, its characteristics and its multiple advantages. Since a reminder never hurts, here's what you need to know about this increasingly popular profession.
The role of the real estate hunter, also called apartment hunter, is to carry out the real estate searches of his clients for them. It therefore takes care of all stages, from research to pre-visits through administrative procedures.
One CReal estate hunter, unlike a real estate agent, works on a limited number of files (usually two or three at the same time) in order to be able to devote himself fully to them. He can use multiple resources to help himself in his research: online ads, professional network, personal network...
Once he has selected a certain number of properties corresponding to his clients' criteria, he carries out pre-visits. This step will allow him to further reduce the number of properties selected to keep only those that, in his opinion, could trigger a crush on future buyers.
Then it's time for visits with them. If they want to make an offer for a property, the real estate hunter advises and helps them with the various related procedures, but also to determine the amount of the offer. If they don't like anything, the hunter resumes his search if that is the wish of his customers.
If the professional considers that a negotiation of the selling price of the property is possible, he will let his customers know.
It is also possible to call on this expert to search for property to rent. However, it is more the future owners who are turning to real estate hunters.
Finally, note that this profession is regulated (Hoguet law) just like that of real estate agent. You therefore do not improvise yourself as a real estate hunter since you must in particular be the holder of a transaction card. Finally, this expert is only paid for the result.

The apartment hunter, the ally of expatriates (and relocated)

Finding a property in a city or in a country that you do not know and where you do not yet live? Mission possible, but mission difficult!
Let's take a concrete example. You live in Brest and you have just got a job in Nice. So you have to find real estate there. You can then choose to rent or to buy. To find the property in question, you can help yourself from the web, for example, where there are multiple ads. Once you have gone through these, you write down the references of several properties that you like. Yes, but after? Do Brest-Nice to visit properties that you may not like? This has a cost (transport, housing...) and it is also relatively restrictive (time...).
The ideal? Call on a real estate hunter! He will list your criteria (budget, size of the property...) and will carry out his research on site according to your wishes and needs. He will take care of pre-visits, take photographs of the properties, ask all the essential questions about them and will thus be able to draw up and present to you, for each property selected, a complete, clear and precise “portrait”.
The benefits? There are a lot of them. First of all, it is a considerable saving of time and money for expatriates/relocated who therefore do not need to make multiple expensive and time-consuming trips. This solution also allows future purchasers/tenants to benefit from the expertise of the real estate hunter as well as from his developed professional network (real estate agents, other hunters, etc.). The hunter's negotiating skills are another asset that is valuable to take advantage of.
In short, whether you have landed a new job or are relocated to a new city or to another country, hiring an apartment hunter offers many advantages that it would be a shame to do without.

HOME SELECT: your partner in your real estate search

Good news, you have been hired in the Paris region! Or maybe you have to move there as part of a relocation? Whatever your situation, you will have to find a property to rent or buy there.
To support you in your change of life, call on a reliable and professional partner: HOME SELECT. We know that business changes are becoming more and more common and that workers are increasingly mobile. We therefore offer our services to expatriates/relocated people in order to help them find a property in the Paris region.
Whether you live in France outside Paris or even abroad, use our services to find the property of your dreams. We take care of all the steps for you, allowing you to save time and money, but also to avoid multiple traps/scams.
We offer you three types of offers:
Research: our hunters are reactive, available and dynamic and offer you quality field research.
Sale & purchase: with this very advantageous formula, entrust us with your double transaction. We offer you profitable financial conditions. In addition, you only have one contact person and the timing of your sale/purchase is secure.
À la carte: we meet all your needs, from relocation to coaching to home staging.
Do you have questions? Do you want to meet us? Contact us without hesitation, we will be happy to answer you and support you in order to find you a property in the Paris region. To call us, it is on +33 1 78 76 78 10. See you soon!