Urban Planning Information Note (NRU) Guide for your real estate projects

In the context of real estate projects, it is essential to know well the urban planning rules applicable to a land or property. Urban Planning Information Notes (NRU) are a valuable tool for professionals and individuals who want detailed information on current regulations. In this article, we will discuss the main characteristics of NRUs, their usefulness, content, as well as the steps to obtain them.

1- What is an Urban Intelligence Note (NRU)?

The Urban Planning Information Note (NRU) is an administrative document that provides precise information on urban planning rules applicable to land or real estate. It is issued by the town hall or the public establishment for intermunicipal cooperation (EPCI) competent in urban planning.


The main objective of the NRU is to inform professionals and individuals about the regulatory constraints associated with land or real estate, in particular with regard to constructability, zoning, public utility easements and urban planning taxes.

Informative nature

The NRU is for information purposes only and does not constitute a planning permit. The information it contains is indicative and does not engage the responsibility of the administration. To obtain urban planning permission, it is necessary to file a building permit, a prior declaration or a development permit, depending on the project.

2- The different categories of NRU

There are two categories of Urban Planning Notes: the simple NRU and the detailed NRU.

The simple NRU

The simple NRU provides general information on urban planning regulations, such as zoning, provisions of the Local Urban Plan (PLU), public utility easements, and urban planning taxes.

The detailed NRU

The detailed NRU provides more precise and in-depth information than the simple NRU, in particular on the possibilities of construction or land division, architectural and landscape constraints, as well as the conditions of service to public facilities.

3- The usefulness of NRU in real estate projects

They are particularly useful for professionals and individuals who wish to develop a real estate project or carry out a real estate transaction.

Assessing the potential of land

NRUs make it possible to assess the possibilities of building or dividing land by parcel, by providing precise information on the urban planning rules in force.

Securing real estate transactions

In the context of a real estate sale or acquisition, NRU are a key element in securing the transaction and informing the parties about the regulatory constraints applicable to the property concerned. They thus contribute to the avoidance of disputes and unpleasant surprises linked to unknown urban planning rules.

Preparation of urban planning permission applications

NRUs facilitate the preparation of urban planning permission applications (building permits, prior declarations, development permits) by providing the information necessary to comply with current urban planning regulations.

Risk and cost assessment

They make it possible to identify the public utility easements and urban planning taxes applicable to land or real estate, which helps to assess the risks and costs associated with the real estate project.

4- The content of an Urban Planning Information Note (NRU)

Content varies depending on whether it is a simple or detailed NRU, but may include the following:


The Urban Planning Information Notes indicate the area of the Local Urban Plan (PLU) or urban planning document taking place, in which the land or real estate concerned is located. They specify the general rules applicable to this zone, such as construction possibilities, maximum heights, reserved locations or land use coefficients.

PLU provisions

They provide detailed information on the provisions of the PLU relating to land or real estate, in particular with regard to architectural, landscape, environmental or parking constraints.

Public utility easements

NRU identify public utility easements (networks, pipes, protection of heritage, etc.) that affect land or real estate, as well as their consequences on construction or development possibilities.

Urban planning taxes

NRUs indicate urban planning taxes applicable to land or real estate, such as development tax, tourist tax, office tax, or property tax.

5- How to obtain an Urban Planning Information Note (NRU)?

To get an NRU, follow these steps:

Identification of the competent town hall or EPCI

The first step is to identify the town hall or the public establishment for intermunicipal cooperation (EPCI) competent in urban planning for the land or real estate concerned.

Formulation of the request

The NRU request must be made in writing, indicating the cadastral references and the address of the land or real estate, as well as the required information (simple or detailed NRU).

Submission of the application

The NRU application must be submitted to the competent town hall or EPCI, either directly on site, or by post or electronically. Some town halls also offer online forms to facilitate the process.

Response time

The administration has a legal period of 1 to 2 months to respond to an NRU request, depending on the complexity of the information required. However, this period may be shorter in practice, depending on the availability of urban planning services.


Issuing an NRU is generally free, although some municipalities may charge application fees to cover the costs of processing and sending the document.


Urban Planning Information Notes (NRU) are essential tools for professionals and individuals who wish to develop a real estate project or carry out a real estate transaction safely. They allow appropriate decisions to be made in terms of construction, development or acquisition. To take full advantage of NRUs, it is important to fully understand their content, their usefulness, and the steps to obtain them.

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