
Apartment hunter in Paris 15th asked to find a 2 bedroom apartment

Home-Staging: Why Do You Need To Take Care Of The Entrance To A Home

Found! Discover a search conducted quickly by Arnaud Meunier, our apartment hunter specialized in Paris 14.E -15E for a couple of students, eager to find their small Parisian home, while benefiting from expert advice for this first real estate purchase.

What was Christophe and Hélène's real estate project?

Students at the end of their studies, Christophe and Hélène are determined to find accommodation in Paris, instead of their current rental. And, to support this first real estate project, young people can count on the financial support of their respective parents.

Why did they prefer to call in an apartment hunter?

Absorbed by their studies, Christophe and Hélène did not benefit from a very large number of hours to search for apartments. Not to mention that they also preferred to surround themselves with a professional to be sure of their acquisition.

How did they choose HOME SELECT real estate hunter?

After a few minutes on the Internet, the young couple filled out the HOME SELECT contact form: upon receipt, Jean Mascla sent the request to Arnaud Meunier, one of his real estate hunters, specialized in the coveted sector.

What exactly was the couple looking for?

Very quickly, our hunter contacted Christophe and Hélène to explain how HOME SELECT works and to arrange an appointment to clarify their request and the imperatives associated with their lifestyle, before having them sign a search mandate. As the couple was living in a student residence, Arnaud had no interest in coming to discover their home! The coveted 2 rooms, of at least 28 m², must include a living room/living room and a separate bedroom. The property must be located in the 14E or the 15th arrondissement, in a neighborhood that is both lively and commercial, with access to Malakoff, insofar as Hélène gives courses in the south of Paris. Ideally, the apartment, which is mostly upstairs (no ground floor and first floor) for more light, should be in a typical Parisian style (parquet, molding, fireplace...) To make this first real estate purchase a reality, Christophe and Hélène have a budget of 310,000€, with the possibility of slightly exceeding this envelope for a crush.

How did Arnaud start his research?

Once the phone is hung up, Arnaud immediately starts the search: to do this, he sets alerts in the HOME SELECT application and works on the announcements released, one after the other, calling the agencies concerned, to obtain more information, or even make an appointment...

Why were the first offers not successful?

For this search, our apartment hunter made a lot of visits — with or without Christophe and Hélène, depending on their availability. With each of them, he succeeds in refining the criteria: charm and luminosity have become preponderant elements. Just like the calm and the surface of the room. Indeed, Arnaud then understands that it is also intended to serve as an office to allow the couple to work separately in separate spaces. During this research, the two students positioned themselves twice on a property: they tried to obtain the first with a fair offer, but slightly below the asking price and that did not happen. For the second property, a studio that can be transformed into 2 rooms, the seller preferred an offer with no suspensive conditions, despite their offer at the price...

How did Arnaud spot the announcement that would change everything?

Beyond the HOME SELECT alerts, Arnaud continued to look directly at the agencies' sites for properties that were more expensive than the initial envelope, insofar as his buyers could take some liberties on this point, if necessary. One evening, he spots an announcement that immediately aroused great interest from Christophe and Hélène (despite the budget!) : the couple asks Arnaud to organize an appointment and the latter gets a visit for the next day in the early afternoon...

What did the apartment you found look like?

Located in the 15E arrondissement, on the Convention side, in a quiet street, while being close to shops, the apartment belongs to a beautiful building from the 1930s. On the top floor and crossing, it is very bright and has a clear view of the roofs of Paris. Charming with its wings, it meets all the criteria of a couple!

Did Christophe and Hélène position themselves quickly?

From the first minutes of the visit, Christophe and Hélène fell in love with this atypical property: they immediately write an offer at the price without any suspensive conditions: as it is the first proposal that the seller receives, it is obviously accepted! Two days later, the two students returned with their respective parents to definitively confirm their decision: in a few minutes, it was done!

Did the couple have work to do?

The apartment did not require work: Christophe and Hélène simply wanted to redevelop the kitchen space. The rest being in excellent condition.

“Complicated, but very happy to have found it”

The search for properties in small areas is very quickly complicated in Paris: this type of property leaves extremely quickly, so you have to stay on the lookout, be very responsive to visits and position yourself quickly! Fortunately, this did not pose any problems for Christophe and Hélène, although they were first-time buyers. Not to mention that they also had a good record.

“An atypical “favorite” property: the panacea! ”

For their part, the young couple is absolutely delighted with this collaboration: beyond the difficulty of finding this type of property, they are fully aware that “finding an atypical property is all the more rare!”