
Real estate hunter for a young woman eager to make a successful first purchase

Apartment hunter: how is the property selected?

Discover a research quickly conducted by Gaëlle Loheac, one of our HOME SELECT apartment hunters. Now, Agathe knows that she will stay in Paris for a few years: the young woman therefore wants to make her first real estate purchase in the capital. Beyond the intrinsic resources of a good expert, she is looking for an advisor to guide and support her.

Why did Agathe decide to buy?

After doing part of her higher education abroad, Agathe came back to Paris for work. Currently renting, this young woman, very dynamic, now knows that she will stay there for some time: she therefore wants to buy her first main residence.

What skills was she looking for?

A first-time buyer, with no family nearby, Agathe prefers to surround herself with an expert to orchestrate this purchase and advise her in her choices. Not to mention that after 6 months of research, she realizes that she sometimes arrives too late.

How did HOME SELECT seduce him?

Agathe is surfing the Internet and discovering the HOME SELECT site. After studying how it works, she fills out the form to generate contact. Quickly, Gaëlle Loheac, our apartment hunter, called her back to discuss her request.

What were the search area and the criteria to be met?

Even if Agathe seems perfectly well informed about the job of real estate hunter, Gaëlle takes the time to explain everything to her, in order to remove all doubts from the start. Following this first conversation, the two young women meet in a café, near Agathe's home. Very attached to her neighborhood, located in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris, she would like to avoid going too far from it, while knowing that she does not really have the necessary budget for this. She therefore invites Gaëlle to also look in the 2nd, 9th, 10th and 11th districts. The idea is that she can move easily (close to the metro) and that the apartment is located in a lively area. In terms of the property itself, Agathe wants a minimum surface area of 30m², with at least one quiet bedroom. The whole must be bright, without too many face-to-face and located in an old or contemporary building. Its budget is 350,000 euros, or even 360,000 euros, if the price per m² is consistent.

What criteria were clarified following the visits?

Gaëlle is organizing a first visit for an apartment located in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, near the Parmentier metro: despite the validation of the sector and the property itself, Agathe does not write an offer, due to the numerous works to be planned at the level of the condominium. The 2nd visit takes her to the same street, in a very cute 2 room: an 18m² living room, a bathroom with tiled floors, a small kitchen... Unfortunately, as it is located on the 1st floor overlooking the street, it lacks luminosity. Over the visits, Gaëlle targets her client's desires even more: Agathe wants a large living room, to be able to receive her friends; she wants light; all within a coherent budget per m². Our real estate hunter therefore takes him to an apartment, located in a friendly condominium. It has a beautiful living room, with an open kitchen, a small bathroom and a bedroom. A bit expensive compared to the market price, Agathe wrote an offer 30,000 euros below the indicated price. Since the property belongs to several sellers, the decision is pending...

How did Gaëlle get a visit to an off-market property?

In the meantime, Gaëlle receives a text message from a real estate agent in her network: an apartment meeting her criteria, whose visits start the next day and which is likely to be sold off-market... Our real estate hunter contacts Agathe to submit the form to her: as it is on the 6th floor without an elevator, they hesitate a few moments on what to do, but decide to come and see it the next day.

Why did the good work for Agathe?

Located in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris, in an old building, the apartment completely overlooks a very open courtyard: the property is quiet and without vis-à-vis. Hitherto inhabited by a young woman who leaves it regretfully, it is very bright (many windows including roof windows) and does not require any work. With a surface area of 34m², it has a large living room with an open kitchen, for a budget of 370,000 euros.

Why is knowing how to make a quick decision essential?

Immediately under the spell, with a perfectly coherent price per m² ratio, Agathe decided to write an offer at the price: her financing plan allowed her to push her budget for a crush... As part of the first proposal received at the displayed price, it was accepted by the owner. For the record, the two young women were the second to visit the property, the first potential buyer having formulated his offer 5 minutes after Agathe's. All this to underline the urgency of quickly (and well) positioning yourself.

Could Agathe live there as soon as she received the keys?

Apart from, possibly, a few strokes of paint, beyond that, to bring its new owner back to the (personal) taste, the apartment did not require any other work.

“In confidence! ”

Gaëlle and Agathe got along very quickly: our real estate hunter quickly realized that his client trusted him! An essential basis for collaboration, which allowed him to find it relatively quickly (2 months!) the much sought after property! Good contact with the client, her trust and her dynamism, the key elements of a winning bet!

“The little nugget! ”

Agathe is delighted with this collaboration: she is fully aware that she would not have been able to get her small apartment without Gaëlle, since it is a property that has not appeared on any general public announcement! The little nugget!