
Apartment hunter called upon by an overworked young worker.

Found! Discover a research quickly conducted by Lisa Mimran, our apartment hunter who conducted a research on Paris 2nd. Thomas is an overworked young active person who, in fact, chose to delegate the search for his first acquisition to an expert: a collaboration, supported by good communication and good responsiveness on both sides, which ended with the purchase of a small crush...

What is Thomas's new situation that motivates his real estate project?

While working for a few years in a luxury company in Paris, Thomas received an attractive job offer at Chanel. Now well settled in his Parisian life, he is looking to trade his rental (a small 2-room apartment of around 35m² in the 6th arrondissement) for a first real estate acquisition.

Why does he choose to be accompanied by an apartment hunter?

At the head of an important department in the company, Thomas has absolutely no time to devote to looking for an apartment. However, determined to buy, he entrusts this task to a real estate hunter.

How did Thomas select HOME SELECT?

After some research on the Internet, Thomas visited the HOMES SELECT site and asked to be contacted again by a hunter. On the phone, Lisa Mimran quickly understands that the young man is overwhelmed: convinced by the functioning of the network, he signs an exclusive mandate, which he hands over to their first appointment.

What are Thomas's requirements?

In a café in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, Thomas draws up, for Lisa, a list of his search criteria: he wants to acquire, in an old building of good quality, a 2-room apartment of at least 35m², crossing or entirely on the street. Be careful, if he wants his future neighborhood to have life, the property must be relatively quiet. For example, he agrees to have a bar nearby, but absolutely does not want to live above it! The search area covers the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 9th and 10th districts, in nice and commercial districts for a budget of 470,000€ FAI, work included (or more in case of a crush) .But Thomas has several imperatives, from which he does not want to derogate: a small condominium, a property from the 2nd floor, with double toilets separated from the bathroom, a beautiful living room with a kitchen US (or the possibility of doing one). But ideally, he doesn't want to do a lot of work...

How did Lisa change research?

Recognizing the realities of the market, Lisa knows that the requirement for separate double toilets will be difficult to meet: she therefore begins her research by suggesting several property sheets to Thomas, while scrupulously respecting this point. But as they do not trigger any visits, the young man agrees to go back on this mandatory separation. Quickly, our apartment hunter shows him much nicer properties, even if they have double toilets in the bathroom...

Why was he not able to commit to the first properties visited?

Lisa took Thomas to visit an apartment in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, close to his work. It was located on the 6th floor without an elevator, in a very beautiful old building. Under the roofs, it offered an area of 33m², it was crossing, with an unobstructed view and small windows. But despite all his qualities, most of the property overlooked a wall in the condominium: Thomas felt suffocated and could not make an offer. Our apartment hunter then took him to see a property in the 3rd arrondissement, in the Archives district. Located in an old building, on the 3rd floor without an elevator, it had high ceilings and required some minor work, but they fit within Thomas's budget. Unfortunately, the windows of the property were abnormally low: the young man, already tall, had to bend down to take a look outside. This detail, which is not insignificant, proved to be prohibitive.

Where did Lisa spot the announcement that changed everything?

One morning, Lisa Mimran spotted an announcement on the site perfectly matching Thomas's criteria, she immediately contacted the ERA Laumiere agency in charge of her sale: the real estate agent was already beset by calls, but she got an appointment quickly...

What arguments did this coveted 2 coins present?

Located in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris, rue Saint-Sauveur, on the 2nd floor without elevator, the 2-room apartment of 38m² is completely renovated by an architect: it has a large living room, with fitted and equipped American kitchen, a bedroom overlooking the courtyard (the apartment is crossing), a bathroom (with an Italian shower) and double suspended toilets. The FAI price is €498,000.

Did Thomas get the apartment?

At the end of the visit, Thomas is under the spell and decides to immediately write an offer at the price. To support her proposal, Lisa calls the real estate agent to promote the young man's case — and in particular the fact that his financing has already been validated by the broker HOME SELECT. The good news comes a few days later: Thomas is the purchaser selected by the owner. The rest of the purchase procedure is carried out “like a letter in the post office”: the young man already has a notary, a family friend on whom he can rely entirely.

Was Thomas able to move in directly?

As he hoped, Thomas did not have to do any work: at the handover definitive Of keys, he just had to drop off his bags!

“Excellent communication and a great open-mindedness”

The research was very pleasant: very responsive, Thomas always knew how to explain to our apartment hunter what he wanted and what he did not want. And, if necessary, he was able to be open-minded enough to reorient his research (see WC).

“I am very very happy”

Very reserved by nature, Thomas was still able to express his complete satisfaction with Lisa's performance. And despite his very busy schedule, he knew how to take the time to share special moments with her, such as having a drink at the end of a visit to debrief in a friendly setting.