
Everything you need to know about the real estate agent's T card

Everything you need to know about the real estate agent's T card

As you certainly know, an expert in the real estate sector must comply with various obligations in order to be able to practice their profession legally. Among these multiple obligations, let's mention holding the famous real estate agent's T card. What exactly is it about? This is what we invite you to discover.

Real estate agent's T card and the Hoguet law

The real estate professions are governed by Law No. 70-9 of 2 January 1970 regulating the conditions for the exercise of activities relating to certain transactions relating to real estate and business assets. It is more commonly known as the “Hoguet law”.
The Hoguet law, which owes its name to deputy Michel Hoguet, thus sets out the conditions for the practice of real estate agents, apartment hunters, property managers, condominium trustees and other list dealers.
It requires experts to have a professional card, also called a transaction card or even a real estate agent's T card, for which it defines the conditions for awarding it. It is also this law that requires the subscription of professional liability insurance (CPR) and the possession of a financial guarantee certificate taken out with a bank. “Not to be incapacitated or prohibited” is also mandatory to work in the real estate sector.
Calling yourself a real estate agent or even a real estate hunter without being a T card holder exposes you to six months in prison and a fine of 7,500 euros.

First time applying for a card

Do you want to apply for a real estate agent T card? You must start by completing the dedicated form (Cerfa No. 15312*01), entering various data such as the unique company identification number. It should also be specified whether it is an initial application, a renewal application, an amendment for the owner (natural person), an amendment for the owner (legal entity), the opening of a secondary establishment or even a modification of a secondary establishment. You must also check the box (s) concerning your case such as:

  • Real estate and business transactions
  • Real estate management
  • List merchant...

Other fields need to be completed (the form has seven pages). Help/instructions exist to help you. You should also think of supporting documents such as an original K-bis extract from less than one month on which are mentioned the activities related to the card application, the copy of your professional insurance certificate and others. The complete list is available online.
The cost of the card is 120 euros. For a modification, the price is 50 euros. For the issuance of a receipt for the prior declaration of activity, count 80 euros. For the issuance of a certificate for the person authorized by the professional card holder, count 50 euros.

Conditions to be met for the award of a real estate agent T card

Not everyone can get a business card. Obtaining it is subject to “the conditions of professional aptitude defined in articles 11 and following of the decree implementing the Hoguet law”. In addition, it can only be issued to a company if all legal and statutory representatives meet the condition of professional aptitude (article 3 of the Hoguet law).
But what can you do to comply with the condition linked to professional aptitude? As stipulated in article 11, you must have one of the following degrees:

  • Degree awarded by the State or on behalf of the State at a level equal to or greater than three years of higher education after the baccalaureate AND in connection with legal, economic or commercial studies OR;
  • Diploma or title registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP) of an equivalent level (level II) AND in connection with legal, economic or commercial studies OR;
  • Higher Technician Certificate (BTS) “real estate professions”
  • Diploma from the Institute of Economic and Legal Studies Applied to Real Estate, Construction and Housing (ICH).

The professional aptitude condition may also be considered fulfilled if:

  • You hold a bachelor's degree OR a diploma/title registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP) of an equivalent level (level IV) and awarded following legal, economic or commercial studies;
  • AND that you have worked, for at least three years on a full-time basis (or an equivalent period for a part-time period), in a subordinate job related to the activity for which the mention of professional aptitude is requested.

Subordinate employment must also meet various conditions. In particular, it must be paid work “subject to the legal duration of working time as well as to the payment of unemployment insurance contributions, but also to the acquisition of paid leave”. It should also be noted that the professional experience acquired via a commercial agent position is not taken into account.
Finally, the professional aptitude condition is also considered fulfilled if you have professional experience: at least 10 years (full-time) OR at least four years (also full-time) or the equivalent part-time. The positions in question must obviously always be linked to the activity for which the mention of professional aptitude is requested.

Validity period of the real estate agent's T card

As with many professional documents, the real estate agent T card is valid for a period of time. It is therefore valid for three years and must be renewed at the end of these three years.
You must apply for renewal two months prior to the expiry date of the current one. So, if yours expires on August 10, 2019, you must apply for renewal no later than June 10, 2019. Also note that “the renewal of the professional card, which is about to expire, is subject to the follow-up of compulsory continuing education”.
To find out who to send your renewal request to, you can enter your postal code online on the site If you live in Morlaix (29), you can for example apply to the Brest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI).
If you want to open your agency and carry out transactions, you must therefore have the famous real estate agent T card. And if you want to call on an expert in the sector such as the real estate hunter, for example, you now know that he must have one and be able to prove it to you.

Is the T card sufficient for a real estate agent?

The T card, issued to professionals in the real estate industry, has a validity period of three years. It must be renewed after this period of three years. During this time, it is necessary to participate in qualifying training programs and to provide evidence of their completion when applying for renewal at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Continuing education has become mandatory for T card holders, branch managers, as well as for persons authorized by a T card holder, including commercial agents.

If you are considering using a property hunter or any other real estate professional, it is essential to ensure that they have a valid T card and can provide proof of it. The information on the T card must be clearly indicated in the legal notice section of the real estate hunter's website.

Additionally, an online register of real estate professionals is available for public access, providing information on authorized individuals in the industry.