Exclusive Rental Search Mandate
Here is its content for information:
Between :
Hereinafter referred to as « the Principal », on the one hand;
And :
“HOME SELECT – VOTRE CHASSEUR IMMOBILIER”, 60 rue François 1er - 75008 PARIS, holder of the professional card n° CPI 7501 2018 000 028 939 delivered by Préfecture de Paris, registered to RCS under reference 531223931, without money collection, insured by Suffren Assurances Associés, TVA n° FR23531223931, member of the “Fédération Nationale des Chasseurs Immobiliers”, phone number +33, email contact@homeselect.paris, in the presence of, and with the help of the property finder : {{chasseur-prenom}} {{chasseur-nom}}, acting as commercial agent, registered to RSAC at {{chasseur-lieu-rsac}} under reference {{chasseur-rsac}}.
Hereinafter referred to as « the Agent », on the other hand.
1 – Characteristics of the search : The Principal hereby gives the job to the Agent, which he accepts, of looking for a property to buy, and having the characteristics as set out below : :
Property type :
Geographical areas :
Minimum Surface : m2
Number of rooms :
Budget : euros, including agency fees.
Description :
2 – The Agent is obliged to :
2.1 – Undertake, in a general way, all the necessary steps to carry out the mission entrusted to him this day.
2.2 – Search for the Principal, a property in order to acquire it, corresponding to the characteristics defined in chapter 1.
2.3 – Inform the Principal about new facts linked to the search : for example pricing, legislation.
2.4 – Do all he can to show to the Principal the various elements of the technical diagnostic (art. L. 271-4 of the Construction and Housing Code) and, if necessary, the Carrez floor space, documents related to the organisation of the building, its financial situation, the maintenance book of the building.
3 – Powers of the Principal :
3.1 – The Principal keeps only the decision-making power relating to a possible purchase offer.
3.2 – The Principal assumes the full responsibility of the choices of investment which he can make according to the applicable legislation.
3.3 – After expiration of the mandate, the Principal will find the faculty to proceed himself in search of the property to be acquired.
4 – Penalty clause : By express agreement and as an essential condition without which the Agent would not have accepted this assignment, the Principal refrains from :
a) mandate another property finder for the same mission
research by himself during the mandate and undertake to redirect to the Agent any offer that may be addressed to him
within 3 months of its expiration, to deal with the seller or his intermediary, the purchase of goods presented by the Agent within the framework of this mandate
In case of non-compliance with the obligations set out above in paragraphs “4 – Penalty clause”, the Principal expressly undertakes to pay the Agent, by virtue of article 1231-5 of the civil code, a sum equal to amount of the remuneration provided for in paragraph “10 – Agent’s commission”
5 – Information of the parties :
Each party with information whose importance is decisive for the consent of the other will provide it. The Agent will especially have all the information known by the Principal to meet the obligations of article 1112-1 of the civil code regarding third parties. – extract : “Celle des parties qui connaît une information dont l’importance est déterminante pour le consentement de l’autre doit l’en informer dès lors que, légitimement, cette dernière ignore cette information ou fait confiance à son cocontractant. Néanmoins, ce devoir d’information ne porte pas sur l’estimation de la valeur de la prestation. Ont une importance déterminante les informations qui ont un lien direct et nécessaire avec le contenu du contrat ou la qualité des parties. Il incombe à celui qui prétend qu’une information lui était due de prouver que l’autre partie la lui devait, à charge pour cette autre partie de prouver qu’elle l’a fournie. Les parties ne peuvent ni limiter, ni exclure ce devoir. Outre la responsabilité de celui qui en était tenu, le manquement à ce devoir d’information peut entraîner l’annulation du contrat dans les conditions prévues aux articles 1130 et suivants.”
6 – Duration – Exclusive Mandate :
6.1 – The present agreement is given to the Agent for a period of one month.
6.2 – After this period of one month, the agreement will be extended for a maximal duration of twelve additional months. This agreement will automatically expire after one year.
6.3 – At any time, either party may terminate the agreement with a notice period of 15 days by notifying the other party of its decision by email (to contact@homeselect.paris) with proof of receipt.
6.4 – The Principal is prohibited, for the duration of the mandate and his renewal, to conduct the search by himself or via another intermediary and to negotiate with every seller or presented intermediary or not by the Agent.
6.5 – Exclusivity (Art. 78 paragraph 2 of the Decree of July 20th 1972): “After a period of three months from its signature, the mandate containing such a clause can be denounced at any time by each of the parties, it’s up to the one who intends to end it to inform the other party about it fifteen days at least in advance by registered letter with demand of acknowledgment of receipt. “
7 – Right of withdrawal (article L. 121-21 à L.121-21-8 of the French Consumer code)
7.1 – The Principal has a cooling-off period of 14 days during which he can cancel this mandate : Art. L.121-21 of Consumer code – extract : « le consommateur dispose d’un délai de 14 jours pour exercer son droit de rétractation d’un contrat conclu à distance, à la suite d’un démarchage téléphonique ou hors établissement, sans avoir à motiver sa décision. ».
7.2 – If the Principal wishes to exercise his right of withdrawal, he shall send to the Agent, no later than the 14th day from the day of signature hereof, the withdrawal form appearing in the appendix, or any other declaration expressing his desire to do so. retract. Art.L.121-21-2 – extract : « le consommateur informe le professionnel de sa décision de rétractation en lui adressant, avant l’expiration du délai prévu à l’article L.121-21, le formulaire de rétractation mentionné au 2° du I de l’article L.121-17 ou toute autre déclaration, dénuée d’ambiguïté, exprimant sa volonté de se rétracter. »
8 – Escrow : The Solidarity and Urban Renewal Law of 13.12.2000 regulates the payment referred to above (Articles L. 271-1 and L. 271-2 of the CCH). In order to guarantee the proper execution of these presents, the purchaser must, in support of any promise or compromise of sale, make, to the notary or to the agency which manages the sale, a payment of a maximum amount of 10 % of the total sale price.
9 – Mediation of consumer disputes : The agent informs the principal that, in accordance with the consumer code, he may have recourse to the mediator: GROUPEMENT D’INTÉRÊT ECONOMIQUE IMMOMEDIATEURS, Address: 55 avenue Marceau 75116 Paris, RCS: 818 344 780, telephone: +33 (0)1 47 20 73 21, Internet site: conso.immomediateurs.com
10 – Agent’s commission :
10.1 – The Agent’s commission is due bye the Principal.
10.2 – It will only be payable after a sale finally completed, after all the suspensive conditions have been met.
10.3 – The Agent’s is paid by the Notary.
10.4 – In case of a possible pre-emption exercise, the pre-emptor will be subrogated in all of the rights and obligations of the buyer : accordingly, any remuneration to be paid by the purchaser shall be borne by the pre-emptor. This condition is imperative.
10.5 – The Agent’s commission, at the charge of the Principal, will include sales tax (VAT 20%) and based on Net Purchase Price (without the potential agency fees of sale).
10.6 - The agent's commission is 2% for properties valued at €1,000,000 or more, and 2.5% for properties valued at less than €1,000,000, with a minimum fee of €10,000.
11 - Special(s) Clause(s) :
12 – Consumer pre-contractual informations : The Principal acknowledges having read, before signing this mandate, the consumer’s pre-contractual information previously provided by email via the link : https://homeselect.paris/dip-achat/.
13 – Processing of your datas : Personal information collected herein may be subject to computer processing by the Agent, his employees and / or members of a professional network to which he belongs. The requirement to provide this personal data is necessary for the proper performance of this contract. They are kept for a period not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they are collected and within the limits of the legal limitation periods. In accordance with law n ° 78-17 of 06.01.78, the principal has, at the address indicated herein, a right of access, rectification, erasure, limitation of processing, portability and ‘opposition to data processing. The principal can lodge a complaint with the CNIL. Under the terms of Article L223-2 of the Consumer Code, the principal has the right to object to canvassing by entering his number on the bloctel list: www.bloctel.gouv.fr
ANNEX – WITHDRAWAL FORM (French Consumer code)
To cancel your mandate, return the form below to the following address : HOME SELECT – 60 rue François 1er - 75008 PARIS. Conditions : Complete and sign this form. Send by registered letter, or email, with return receipt to the address of the Agent, no later the seventh day from the date of the Mandate. Would that date be a Saturday, Sunday or a Holiday, then the next business day.
I, undersigned,
Declare cancelling the search mandate N°
Done at
On .
SETTINGS OF CONTRACTS : For contract set outside an agency office and in application of the provisions of Articles L.111.1 and L 221-1 to L 221-17 of the French Consumer Code, the trader shall provide the consumer, on paper or, subject to (Article L 221.5) the essential characteristics of the service, in particular the price of the service, (pursuant to Articles L. 112-1 to L. 112-4). its identity, its postal, telephone and electronic contact details and its activities, provided that they do not emerge from the context; This information is written in a legible and comprehensible manner.
RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL applicable to contracts concluded at a distance and off premises (ART L 221-18 and following) The consumer has a period of fourteen days to exercise his right to withdraw from a contract concluded at a distance, following a telephone or off-site solicitation, without having to give reasons for his decision or to bear other costs than those provided for in Articles L. 221-23 to L. 221-25. (Cost of dispatch). The period referred to in the first subparagraph shall run from the day onwards :
1 ° The conclusion of the contract, for contracts for the provision of services and those mentioned in Article L. 221-4;
In accordance with Council Regulation No 1182/71 / EEC of 3 June 1971 determining the rules applicable to time limits, dates and terms :
1 ° The day on which the contract is concluded or the day of receipt of the property is not counted within the time limit mentioned in Article L. 221-18 ;
(2) The period begins at the beginning of the first hour of the first day and ends at the end of the last hour of the last day of the period;
3 ° If this period expires on a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday or a non-working day, it is extended until the next working day