
Apartment hunter for a small pied-a-terre around Denfert-Rochereau

Found!Discover a search quickly conducted by Romain Landreau, our apartment hunter specialized in Paris. Oscar now lives in Dubai, but as he comes back to Paris regularly, he wants to invest in a small pied-a-terre close to the neighborhood he loves. To carry out his project successfully, he called on Romain to become his eyes and ears (and, if necessary, his legs) and allow him to land this type of property that is very popular in the capital.

Why is Oscar looking for a Parisian home?

A professional opportunity led Oscar to live in Dubai: for several years, the young man has been organizing his life in Qatar, while planning to return to Paris to meet his friends and family there. To accommodate his stays in Paris, he wanted to invest in a small pied-a-terre in the 14th arrondissement.

How did he find the HOME SELECT network?

Knowing well how the Parisian real estate market worked, Oscar was perfectly aware that he could not conduct this real estate search alone. After a few minutes on Google, the young man set his sights on the HOME SELECT network. His request was accepted by Jean Mascla who then redirected it to Romain Landreau!

What were the important characteristics of the future pied-a-terre?

Upon receiving the request, Romain Landreau contacted Oscar to present to him how HOME SELECT works and to clarify the question of fees. Once these points were addressed, the young man agreed to entrust this real estate search to Romain.Oscar was looking for a property on a high floor, with parquet floors, moldings and fireplaces, without work to be planned and located in the 14th arrondissement of Paris and located in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, near the Denfert-Rochereau stop. The budget was consistent, while being limited to €12,000 per m².

Did Romain organize himself for this research?

When a customer is an expatriate, living in a distant country, as was the case for Oscar, Romain suggests operating via WhatsApp to transmit interesting property sheets and gather the opinion of his customers. For this case, as for all the others, he set up the HOME SELECT application and contacted his network to present Oscar's research. Then, he organized himself according to his client's agenda to concentrate visits during his stay in Paris.

Why did we only need one visit?

On the eve of Oscar's arrival in France, Romain receives an alert from the application: an announcement has just been published on leboncoin and seems to correspond in every way to his search.Quickly, our real estate hunter sends him all the information available about him: Oscar is very excited about the photos and the location of the property... The apartment is a 46m² 2-room apartment, located less than 300 meters from the Denfert-Rochereau metro stop: Oscar is very excited about the photos and the location of the property... The apartment is a 46m² 2-room apartment, located less than 300 meters from the Denfert-Rochereau metro stop. It is on the first floor without an elevator on a small, quiet and one-way street. And the icing on the cake, there is no work to be done!

How did Romain tip the scales?

Since the apartment is within Oscar's budget, he writes an offer for the price, within an hour of his visit. But it is competing with a second proposal. Fortunately, Romain knew the real estate agent in charge of the file: he manages to highlight the young man's strengths and the seriousness of the supervision — especially financial — of HOME SELECT. The seller will not have to suffer from a lack of solvency at this level. When the keys are handed over, one of Oscar's family members does some refreshing work (painting), and the apartment is quickly ready for the young man's next stay in France!

“The perfect customer! ”

Since Oscar already knew the neighborhood and the Parisian market perfectly, Romain did not need to show him numerous properties to get him to weigh the pros and cons. Moreover, the young man was determined to buy and knew that he should position himself quickly, because the small stores in Paris all leave in a few hours! On these bases, the hunter's job then becomes “easier”!

“A well-conducted business”

As all requirements were met in one visit, Oscar saved time, saved a lot of energy (visits and back and forth), and now has a nice home waiting for him for his Paris trips!