
Paris 12th apartment hunter for a Parisian working in the provinces

Apartment hunter

1000€ for you

Found ! Discover a search quickly conducted by Delphine Conty, our Paris 12th apartment hunter. In search of a rental investment, in short, Pierre will succumb to the charm of a property, in the heart of the 12th arrondissement, concentrating 3 distinct atmospheres. So, maybe he will live in it himself instead of renting it...

In what sector did Arthur project himself?

Pierre is a 30-year-old young man who is a first-time newcomer in the 5th arrondissement of Paris. Anxious to build up his wealth, he began looking for a rental investment, in a larger sector, including, at the same time, the 9th, 10th and 11th districts.

How to invest in Paris when you live in the provinces during the week?

After an active search, conducted for 6 months, Pierre decided to be accompanied by a real estate hunter. His main difficulty was to combine the responsiveness necessary for this purchase and the constraints of his professional life: he is a political advisor in the provinces. In other words, he only has the weekend for possible visits.

Why was it essential to explain the profession of real estate hunter?

So Pierre made an online search request on March 28, 2017 at 12:07am! The next day, our real estate hunter, Delphine Conty, called him back, to explain to him how Home Select works and its fees. After having removed her initial concerns, linked to a lack of knowledge of this profession, she sent him a blank mandate and the list of criteria to be completed, in order to properly define the planned research.

What was the ideal apartment picture?

During the various telephone exchanges that follow, Delphine Conty learned that Pierre had already formulated an offer for an apartment in the 10th arrondissement, before retracting, after signing a promise to sell. Our apartment hunter in Paris asked him for more details on the subject: beyond its situation on the ground floor (1st flat), the property in question recorded heavy loads, which he had not fully understood at the beginning.This first experience allowed Delphine Conty to present one of her added values: her ability to filter these properties, in order to retain only the most interesting visits.Moreover, when a customer has already passed Several weeks in research, he is well aware of the Parisian market and its criteria: in this specific case, Pierre wanted a minimum surface area of 70 m², 2 bedrooms and a spacious living room, for a budget of 830,000€ all inclusive (notary, agency and hunter fees). Note that he also agreed to do some small jobs, if necessary.

Why was the purchaser's position comfortable?

Upon receiving the mandate, signed on April 3, 2017, Delphine Conty turned to her network to present her file to them. A file with very good funding, which should facilitate research...

How to react quickly despite geographical constraints?

The next morning, she was presented with an “off market” property, in total harmony with her wishes. But if Pierre could not come in the hours that followed, the apartment passed right under his nose. So, Delphine contacts him, sends him, by email, the property sheet, with some photos and asks him what he thinks of it. Interested, he freed himself and immediately took the train to the capital: at 2 pm, the same day, he was in front of the apartment, next to Delphine. Despite Pierre's reactivity, they still have to wait for the first visitors to leave the property...

What were the strengths of the rental apartment?

Through her privileged professional contacts, Delphine Conty was able to present a perfect property for a rental investment. Indeed, if the apartment only had one bedroom, while having the possibility of making 2, it turns out that for rent, this approach is more interesting compared to the rent ceiling, but customers are harder to find, for such an area (78 m2), tenants appreciate having an additional bedroom.

How to describe the accommodation selected?

The apartment in question is located on Rue Saint-Nicolas, not far from Place de la Bastille, which is well served by public transport. With a small paved courtyard, in a very Parisian style, it offers great benefits, especially with its exposed beams. A high-end property in the heart of the 12th arrondissement, surrounded by 3 different atmospheres, one for each outing opportunity! The first concerns the Aligre market (very popular, very lively, very popular, very typical), the second is the Faubourg Saint Antoine (a beautiful street decorated with numerous shops) and the third is under the assets of Rue Saint-Nicolas (a small street with smaller, more intimate shops).

How do you close a sale quickly and effectively?

Following this visit, Pierre fell in love with this accommodation. Not to mention that it is below €10,000 per m², while it should easily reach €11,000. In a nearby café, he wrote, with Delphine, an offer at the price that our apartment hunter sent directly by email, in order to have a written record of the date and time. Very quickly, the real estate agent calls Delphine back, to let her know that this is the first offer received, that it is therefore a priority and that Pierre can therefore consider that the sale has been concluded.

An unexpected competitor: how do you do the weight?

At 18:30 p.m., an unexpected twist: the real estate agency announces to Delphine and Pierre that they have received a second offer on the same day. Which means that “the deal is not won”! After a few moments of dejection, Delphine delved deeper into her client's arguments: with a 50% down payment, an offer at the price and self-financing through rental, the file already has excellent advantages. To accentuate them even more, our real estate hunter offers Pierre possible solutions: can he remove the suspensive clause from his loan? Would he consider leaving the rental management of the property to the agency? Pierre thought and agreed to send a second offer by mentioning these new provisions: sent on April 4, he would have to wait until April 10 to get a positive response. An absolutely unbearable wait for Delphine and Pierre, but which, thankfully, ended in the acceptance of the seller.

What was the overall condition of the apartment?

With a salesman who lived in London, the Parisian apartment was sparsely inhabited: in fact, it is impeccable! Delphine conducted an in-depth study on the best rental conditions and shared this study with her client. Our real estate hunter pushed his research to indicate to his client that a furnished rental is more fiscally attractive. Not to mention that, under these conditions, it is always easier to recover a property, if Pierre decided to occupy it himself.

Feedback from the real estate hunter

Delphine Conty remembers Pierre as a golden customer: “customers like that, we would like to have them every day”! He knew exactly what he wanted and communicated well with her! This file highlights that the relationship with real estate agents must be intense so that the real estate hunter can find the property they are looking for. It is therefore necessary to be very solid in relation to customers, in order to maneuver in the best possible way.

Intense but positive memories for the investor

For Pierre, this adventure was not lacking in spice: a real emotional lift! In less than a day, he is shown photos of a perfect “off market” property, he jumps on the train, visits, makes his decision within a quarter of an hour, makes an offer at the price and positions himself first. At that point, all the indicators are green. Until the phone call that calls everything into question! Then, despite the acceptance of the offer, on April 10, the final promise will not be signed until two months later, the time to retrieve all the documents in the file. At the same time, interest rates are rising and this wait-and-see attitude is annoying. Fortunately, Pierre is always very satisfied with the property purchased, to the point of considering occupying it immediately himself...

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