
Apartment hunter Paris 10e


In love with Paris, Benjamin and Adélie are looking for a place to enjoy Parisian life more intensely, during their stay in the capital. They do not regret for a single moment having chosen Gwenaëlle Benon, a member of the HOME SELECT network, to carry out this real estate project for them: two months to the day after signing the search mandate, they signed at the notary the acquisition of “their rare pearl” found in a few days by Gwénaëlle

What is Benjamin and Adélie's real estate project?

Benjamin and Adélie live and live in Angers, but they are looking for a place to stay in the capital. As true lovers of Paris, they plan to settle there in the medium term: this real estate purchase would allow them to enjoy Parisian life in a more local way.

Why did they ask an apartment hunter?

Nomad and professionally very busy, the couple does not have time to take care of this real estate search. Not being on site and not knowing the Parisian market, Benjamin and Adélie ask an apartment hunter, both to carry out this operation for them, and to benefit from his wise advice.

How did they choose HOME SELECT real estate hunter?

While browsing the Internet, Benjamin and Adélie came across the HOME SELECT site. Convinced by her seriousness and professionalism, they fill out the contact form. As soon as it was received, the founder of the network, Jean Mascla, sent the file to Gwenaëlle Benon, who was very active in the coveted districts.

What are the criteria for a couple?

After contacting the couple, our real estate hunter draws up a list of search criteria with them: with a surface area of at least 40 m², the property must have 2 rooms with a bedroom, a shower rather than a bath and be located on the top floor with an elevator of a well-maintained old building. Attention, Benjamin and Adélie do not want to manage work: the apartment must be cleverly renovated in a refined and contemporary style.

The couple's home base must be located near the center of Paris: the research area extends over 12 districts, ranging from the 2nd to the 17th. If the territory seems vast, it is necessary, taking into account their main requirement, which is to be on the top floor of a building with an elevator. Ideally, the neighborhood should be lively and commercial. The focus should be more on the apartment than on the location.

What is the apartment hunter's plan of action?

Once the mandate is signed by Benjamin and Adélie, Gwenaëlle gets to work, starts by analyzing the entire market according to the first search criteria in the HOME SELECT application and disseminates her research to all partner agencies. Then, as the sectorization is very broad, she decides that after each visit, she will go around the agencies in the area, in order to identify the properties corresponding to her search in advance.

How did the search for Benjamin and Adélie go?

The coincidence of the calendar means that Benjamin and Adélie are in Paris the week following the signing of the mandate. Gwenaëlle takes advantage of their visit to organize visits, but given their very specific request and despite the 12 authorized districts, the properties offered for sale are rare and among them, only one will catch the couple's attention.

On site, the apartment is disappointing, because it is poorly organized: access to the bathroom is not easy and the room adjoining the bedroom has no real function — which gives the impression of lost space. The couple does not follow through. At the end of the visit, they meet for a drink to get to know each other better. It is also an opportunity for Gwénaëlle to refine the search criteria after this first visit: they mention Paris, its neighborhoods and Gwenaëlle takes the opportunity to note the places they like... Benjamin and Adélie also very quickly realize that a top floor with an elevator considerably reduces their search. They then decided to lift the obligation to find a foothold on the top floor but retained all the other criteria.

How did Gwenaëlle Benon find out?

Faced with the decision of Benjamin and Adélie to lift the obligation to find a pied-a-terre on the top floor, Gwenaëlle takes up all the ads studied in advance because she remembers a superb apartment renovated in a contemporary and design style that had particularly caught her attention and that ticked all the boxes except the top floor. Gwénaëlle contacts the agency, the property has just been put up for sale but you have to be quick! She sends the photos to Benjamin and Adélie, it's the immediate crush, the visit is scheduled for the next day, the day before their departure.

What is the description of the property found?

Located in the 10th arrondissement, near the Saint Martin Canal, in a very well maintained condominium, the apartment, in a quiet area (because overlooking the courtyard) is located on the 3rd floor with an elevator. It has benefited from a total renovation, with high-end materials and services, combining the old and the modern.

How did Benjamin and Adélie find it?

The apartment is faithful to the photos: the crush is confirmed! The icing on the cake, the major works in the building have already been completed (the renovation, the stairwell)! Benjamin and Adélie not knowing the neighborhood, Gwénaëlle completes the visit by discovering it: the apartment is 5 minutes from the Saint Martin Canal and there is a village atmosphere. The couple is won over!

Even if other visits were planned during the day, Gwenaëlle, after analyzing the properties sold in the neighborhood, advises the couple to write a slightly lower offer: on the one hand, the price displayed is a bit high compared to the neighborhood, on the other hand, they can make their cash financing prevail. Over the weekend, negotiations continued — the owner even offered to buy all the furniture (reproductions of designer pieces), but they were not interested. After a few back and forth, the two parties agree and the offer is validated.

For the sake of conscience, our apartment hunter offers them to re-visit it, but Benjamin and Adélie are sure of themselves, so it's useless!

“A fluid search, completed in 2 visits”

Thanks to a climate of trust that was quickly established, the search went very smoothly: it only took 2 visits to trigger a crush. Even more atypical, it only took 2 months to complete it successfully: without financing, rapid research, combined with the absence of bank validation, considerably reduced real estate time.

“The appointment with Gwen is made for the next property! ”

At the signing of the authentic act, Benjamin and Adélie showed all their gratitude by celebrating with Gwénaëlle this well-conducted project. Better still, the couple has already told him that they will use his services when they leave Angers in 2 to 3 years!