Do you want to buy a property and have decided to use a real estate hunter? It is a very good idea! But did you know that it is possible for a sale to be made under a sealed envelope? What is it exactly? How does this procedure work? What is or what are the interests for sellers of using a real estate hunter in such a context? This is what we invite you to discover in this article.

Sealed sale: what is it?

Selling under sealed envelope or sealed envelope is a procedure that is organized by a judicial administrator. This communicates the starting price of the property to interested buyers. Then, they make an offer in an envelope.

This procedure is quite particular and allows buyers to compete without them being able to know the offers made by each other until the envelopes are opened by the bailiff. For a sealed sale, various documents must be provided and there is no suspensive clause.

Once the famous envelopes are opened, the judicial administrator puts an end to the suspense by indicating the highest offer, i.e. the one that allows such buyer (s) to “win” the property.

But for buyers, what is the advantage of having a real estate hunter at their side in the context of a sealed sale?

Sale under sealed envelope and support by a real estate hunter

In the context of a sealed sale, the help of a real estate hunter is more than valuable. This procedure can be quite stressful and confusing for individuals, especially if it is the first time they are buying a property. The questions they ask themselves are numerous: how to determine the amount of the offer? How do you know if it will be interesting and, above all, how do you know if it will be enough? How to manage the post-verdict, whether positive or negative?

To answer these multiple questions, there is nothing better than an expert in the sector. The role of the real estate hunter is obviously to search for (and find) a property for his customers. But he is also there to advise them, guide them, reassure them and answer their questions.

In the event of a sealed sale, the real estate hunter will support his client (s) by clearly explaining to him (them) how such a procedure takes place. He will help him (s) prepare by studying the file of the property for sale, but also his (their) maximum budget.

Then, together, they will determine the amount of the offer they will make and that they will put in the envelope.

D-Day: the welcome presence of the real estate hunter

The day the envelopes are opened at the bailiff's office, the presence of the real estate hunter alongside the buyer (or buyers) is welcome. In particular, he will be able to answer their last questions, but also reassure them if necessary.

Is the offer determined by the hunter and his customer (s) the highest? That is great news! The expert will therefore be able to explain the rest of the events to the happy future owners. He will continue to guide and support them until they move in and even after.

Was the offer made by the hunter and his customers not enough? The professional can make several proposals to them: continue the research or even take a break to take a step back, reflect and recover from this “failure”. The apartment hunter is also there to help his customers “digest” a refusal of an offer and to put things into perspective. It should encourage them to continue their research while being understanding. Having to say goodbye to a property you've fallen in love with is not always easy.

Real estate search: trust Home Select

Do you want to buy a property in the Paris region? Trust the Home Select team to support and guide you from A to Z. Whatever the type of property you are looking for and regardless of the sector or sectors you prefer, we necessarily have within our team a real estate hunter who can assist you.

Do you want to make an offer for a property? We are here to advise and guide you so that you make the best possible purchase offer based on the services of the property, but also on your budget. In the event of a sealed sale, we put our experience, expertise and professionalism at your service in order to put all the chances on your side.

Do you have questions? Do you want to contact us or even meet us? Do not hesitate to call us on 01 78 76 78 10 or to write to us via our online form. We have created various formulas in order to best meet the needs of our customers with varied profiles. Whether you want to find a property or if you are considering a double transaction (sale and purchase), we are at your side to help you make your project a reality.