
The advantages of using a real estate hunter

The real estate market in Paris can sometimes be a real headache. And whether you want to move to the capital or find new accommodation there, this means that you will have to start looking for a house or an apartment. To do this, it is possible to call on a real estate hunter in Paris. This profession is becoming more and more well known thanks, among other things, to various TV programs based on the search for housing. So, what are the advantages of using a real estate hunter? Here are several examples.

Apartment hunter in Paris, a true real estate professional

An individual who wants to buy a home can take care of everything without any outside help. Indeed, many ads are available online on various websites, from the best known to the least popular, but also in dedicated magazines and brochures. He can then contact the sellers, set appointments himself, take care of all the procedures or even visit the properties that interest him.

But by calling on a real estate hunter, he benefits from a very significant advantage: the support of a real professional in the sector whom he therefore knows perfectly. This knowledge of real estate is an undeniable asset since it will allow the buyer to avoid various pitfalls and other unpleasant surprises.

The profession of real estate hunter is regulated by the HOGUET law (law No. 79-9 of January 2, 1970). A real estate hunter must therefore meet the legal obligations of his profession by being the holder of a professional real estate transaction card issued by the prefecture to which he is linked, a professional guarantee without holding funds as well as a civil liability insurance.

It is also important to note that real estate is a relatively complicated sector. Various laws frame it and new ones appear quite regularly (Alur, Pinel...). It is therefore essential to know this world and everything related to it well. This is why calling on a real estate hunter in Paris, for example, is a very good initiative on the part of a buyer. In addition, the real estate hunter really works for it and acts accordingly.

The real estate hunter is on the buyer's side

Unlike the real estate agent who works for the seller, the real estate hunter works for the buyer. He therefore acts in the interests of his acquiring client by seeking, in particular, to negotiate sales prices in order to lower them. To summarize, the apartment hunter introduces buying clients to real estate agents who present, to the real estate hunter in Paris and elsewhere, properties adapted to the buyer's request. With the hunter, we talk about search mandates while with the agent, we talk about sales mandates.

In short, they are different jobs, but they are completely complementary. If you are a buyer, it is therefore advisable to turn to a real estate hunter. In addition, it will allow you to save time.

Hiring a real estate hunter: a time-saver

A real estate hunter offers a tailor-made search service to his customers. Whether they are looking for a house in the suburbs of Paris or an apartment in the 15th arrondissement, they can ask the property hunter to take care of the various stages of the search: selection of properties, visits... Calling on a real estate hunter in Paris therefore allows the buyer not to waste time with unnecessary visits and phone calls or with ads that are not at all in line with his desires.

In fact, it is the professional himself who will come to meet the buyer to draw up, with him, the list of his criteria and needs. He is also the one who searches for and visits properties (this is called pre-visits) and then he draws up a detailed report of the homes visited so that his client has as much information as possible and a more precise idea of the assets and shortcomings of the properties in question. Finally, he organizes visits with his client, manages price negotiations and collects the documents necessary for the sale.

Finding a home is a very time-consuming activity, which is why hiring a professional to take care of it is an excellent idea. In addition, it is a security, another very important advantage.

Calling on a real estate hunter: security

Why talk about security when we talk about using a real estate hunter? Simply because he carefully assesses each selected property in order to limit unpleasant surprises (anomalies, important work to be done...), but also to guarantee an offer at the fairest price. In addition, he advises the buyer at each stage of the research and assists him in particular with regard to tax laws and tax exemption schemes that may be of interest to him. His knowledge of the sector, laws, aids, but also of the goods for sale is a real security and allows the buyer not to fall into various traps.

And contrary to what one might think, not all sellers choose the Internet to advertise their property for sale. The web is a real gold mine, but with a real estate hunter, you will have access to a greater choice of properties.

Calling on a real estate hunter: a greater choice of properties

As explained earlier, the Internet is full of real estate ads. Buyers therefore often have the impression that they have access to all the goods available for sale. But that is not the case at all. Indeed, some sellers, for various reasons, do not want their property to appear in search engines. As for professionals, many of them opt for mass distribution only as a last resort.

By using a real estate hunter, buyers will therefore have access to more properties offered for sale since the real estate hunter has tools that are not accessible to Mr. and Mrs. Everywhere.

Finally, real estate hunters are sometimes contacted directly by sellers before they have even put their property up for sale. Real estate hunters therefore know the product first hand and can present it, exclusively, to the buyer who will therefore have no competition if this property interests him. Because calling on an apartment hunter in Paris as well as in the provinces is also synonymous with serenity.

Calling on a real estate hunter: peace of mind

Looking for a place to stay is a source of stress. The buyer asks himself a lot of questions, is faced with many procedures to take or even properties to visit. If he works, he must take advantage of his free time to go looking for the ideal home. When you employ someone to do it for them, that means less stress. Indeed, calling on a real estate hunter in Paris or elsewhere is synonymous with serenity. He answers the buyer's questions and takes care of all the stressful steps in place of the buyer, who is therefore much more serene.

In addition, the buyer can have even more peace of mind knowing that it is possible to call on an apartment hunter in Paris, regardless of his budget.

Calling on a real estate hunter: support for all types of budgets

Whatever the buyer's budget, the real estate hunter adapts. Its objective is to find a property in line with the expectations and needs of its client while staying within the budget envelope that the client has set for himself.

Moreover, the real estate hunter not only adapts to his client's budget, but he can also allow him to save money.

Using a real estate hunter: a savings generator

Would hiring a professional to search for real estate allow you to save money? Surprisingly, yes! First, he negotiates prices so that the decrease achieved is maximum and that the selling price is in line with those of the market. In addition, real estate hunters can recommend professionals to their clients in order to save them money at various levels (for example on loans thanks to the advice of a wealth management professional). Finally, he can have partners (movers, diagnosers...) and give the buyer lower prices. In the end, calling on a property hunter in Paris as in the rest of France can quite save money. A very good point.

In addition, requesting the intervention of a Parisian apartment hunter or other apartment hunter also allows you to benefit from a more personalized service.

Call on a real estate hunter: a tailor-made service

When you use a traditional real estate agency to search for housing, they can easily have 150 other requests of the same type. However, an apartment hunter in Paris will rather focus on three or even four customers at the same time, no more. It therefore offers a more personalized service than that offered by a so-called traditional agency and which will have less time to deal with case by case. The real estate hunter puts himself in the shoes of his client in order to find the property that corresponds to his request. He takes the time to discuss it with the buyer and to fully understand what he is looking for. He shares his experience, guides and advises him.

In addition, with a real estate hunter, you are guaranteed a service that is both transparent and impartial.

Using a real estate hunter: transparency and lack of bias

The real estate hunter does not sell, he is looking for a property for his client, also called a purchaser. He is therefore committed to remaining neutral and to maintaining his independence from sellers when they offer goods. It must be open to the entire real estate market and know how to maintain its neutrality and transparency.

But where he can pass judgment is on the subject of other professionals he can advise his client. Indeed, the real estate hunter can make the most of his network.

Calling on a real estate hunter: a developed network

The real estate hunter knows many people (agencies, individuals, developers, agents, notaries, property dealers...). Thanks to this powerful network at its disposal, it can offer its customers new and exclusive properties, but also put them in contact with various serious and competent professionals (artisans, decorators, architects, notaries, notaries, real estate brokers, real estate agents...)

It can be seen on television with the Paris real estate hunter Stéphane Plaza. He often uses his network to boost the search for properties for his clients or to help them visualize the work to be done for a particular property. This allows buyers to be certain that artisans and others are qualified and known for their professionalism in their field of intervention.

An increasingly well known profession, real estate hunter therefore offers many advantages.

As this long list proves, the advantages of using a Parisian or other real estate hunter are multiple. Professionalism, time and money savings, an important network, neutrality and transparency, security, personalized support and a greater choice of properties for sale are among the reasons why it is advisable to consider the intervention of a professional.

It should be borne in mind that the buyer is really on the side of the buyer and that he does everything possible to find the rare pearl of housing while allowing him to find various qualified professionals (to carry out work, for example) or to take advantage of more advantageous rates.

Finally, it is useful to remember that the real estate hunter is a keen expert in the sector and that his expertise can be very useful, especially for people who do not know much about it.