
Paris 12th apartment hunter for an overseas client with their daughter in Denmark

Paris 12th Rue Cremieux|Villa d'Alesia Paris 14th arround|Paris, the city hall place Gambetta|


Vincent and Camille live thousands of kilometers from Paris. But they want to buy an apartment there, to reunite children and grandchildren in the capital. After two years of inconclusive research, they turned to Gwénaëlle Benon, a real estate hunter from the HOME SELECT network. From the first minutes exchanged on WhatsApp, the power went by! After a short month of visits, this remote collaboration, with the help of their daughter, resulted in a great purchase, in an unexpected neighborhood and yet so perfect for them...

What was Vincent and Camille's real estate project?

Vincent and Camille live overseas, but are actively looking for a home in which to share their love for the capital with their family. As fulfilled parents and grandparents, they want to fully enjoy their daughter and grandchildren in a quiet, secure neighborhood, close to shops and green spaces.

Why do they call in an apartment hunter

On the one hand, Vincent and Camille are struggling to find accommodation remotely, but cannot have the necessary reactivity in the Parisian real estate market. On the other hand, Nadia, although regularly on site, is also unable to make this much desired family purchase a reality. Tired of two years of fruitless research, the couple and their daughter decide to call on a Parisian real estate hunter.

How did they choose HOME SELECT real estate hunter?

After a quick search on the Internet, Vincent, Camille and Nadia decided to contact HOME SELECT. Seemingly serious, with excellent testimonies as a result, the network inspires their confidence.

Upon receiving their form, Jean Mascla entrusts the file to Gwénaëlle Benon, a specialist in the coveted sector and available to conduct the research effectively.

How is the real estate search organized?

Given the geographical distance with Vincent and Camille, exchanges with the HOME SELECT real estate hunter start by phone, via WhatsApp. Quickly, it was decided that Gwénaëlle would visit the properties with their daughter Nadia and send them the photos and videos in the process, so that they could participate actively in the research.

What were the initial criteria on the search mandate?

On the phone, through Nadia, Vincent and Camille draw up, for Gwénaëlle, the list of criteria relating to the property: they are looking for a 3-room apartment with 2 bedrooms, both bright and without vis-à-vis, in an old building. If they don't want a ground floor, they also don't want to go beyond the 2E floor. Finally, they want a property located in a healthy condominium, with low expenses. In other words, they don't want to invest in an energy strainer!

In terms of locations, the couple had a preference for the 14E arrondissement of Paris and ideally in Petit-Montrouge, which they know well. Our real estate hunter could also search on the 20E, the 11E, the 13E And the 9E, but each time, in specific neighborhoods.

Villa d'Alesia Paris 14ème arrondissement

When these wishes were expressed, Gwénaëlle quickly became aware of the difficulty of this case: already, it was necessary to find a property that pleased, both the parents (who finance it) and the daughter (who visits him); then, Vincent and Camille's budget remained extremely tight, given the desired surface area and the location...

What is Gwénaëlle Benon's action plan?

Once the search mandate is signed, our real estate hunter will:

  • Questioning the HOME SELECT software database allowing it to quickly scan the market;
  • Analyze the off-market properties offered to the network;
  • Send Vincent and Camille's research to all partners and agencies in the network;
  • Travel to agencies in coveted neighborhoods.

How did the first visits go?

After soliciting the HOME SELECT network and carefully examining opportunities in the defined sectors, Gwénaëlle contacted her customers to orchestrate the first visits with Nadia.

She managed to get two in the 14E district, their preferred location. Unfortunately, they immediately appeared to be too outdated, with too much work. Nadia then became aware of the reality of the market: their budget was definitely too short in this sector.

The following week, our real estate hunter organizes a visit to an apartment located in the 20E arrondissement, towards Gambetta. If the sector was on the research mandate, the environment is not suitable for Camille and Vincent.

Paris, the city hall place Gambetta

How did Gwénaëlle Benon reorient research?

After having confronted Nadia with the reality of the Parisian real estate market, Gwénaëlle suggests to her clients that they join the 12E district in their search, more in line with their budget. Better still, near the Bois de Vincennes, they can benefit from both a green environment and a quiet shopping district. As no one knows, our hunter decided to show them the sector in photos and videos. Under the spell, they agree to consider it...

How did the apartment hunter find it?

Specialist in 12E Borough, our hunter is raking out the real estate agencies in the area. Among the neighborhood agencies she met, one of them informed her that they had a perfect property for her, but that they had just sold it... In order to put all her chances on her side and to have other property proposals, Gwénaëlle leaves them her contact details and the search criteria for her clients. Three days later, they call her back: the purchasers have withdrawn!

Since the apartment ticks all the boxes, while being bigger and cheaper, she immediately plans a visit.

What does the apartment look like?

Near the Bois de Vincennes in the 12E arrondissement of Paris, the apartment is located on 2E floor without elevator in a very beautiful Art Nouveau building from the 1910s with 13 other properties. With a separate kitchen, it has 3 rooms including two bedrooms for an area of more than 56 m², a cellar completes the property. The icing on the cake, it has two balconies offering a very nice view of the street lined with buildings with very Parisian architecture!

How did Vincent and Camille decide?

As of Monday, Nadia visits Gwénaëlle via WhatsApp video. She is immediately under the spell of this apartment. Our real estate hunter does not fail to make videos, which she sends to Vincent and Camille, but also to Nadia, to debrief quickly afterwards. The answer is not long in coming: they like good things a lot!

Gwénaëlle dissects all the GA minutes on the condominium: nothing to report, except for minor works to come, but which remain light. After detailing the price per m² of apartments sold on the street, she also confirms the attractiveness of the proposed price. Not to mention that it is a few thousand euros less than their budget, while offering a much larger surface area. After reflection and consultation, the couple and their daughter decide to make an offer at the price because the visits have begun and the apartment is very coveted.

A few days apart, Nadia, then Vincent and Camille come to Paris to confront their impression with reality. Always smiling at the end of the visits, Gwénaëlle takes the opportunity to introduce them to the neighborhood, in order to fully reassure them. It even goes so far as to tell them the addresses of the best food shops in the area!

Now won over, the rest of the acquisition procedure is carried out normally and remotely, through notaries.

The support will continue until the signing of the authentic act. Following the handing over of the keys and after some refreshment work, Vincent, Camille and Nadia will be able to spend very beautiful moments with the family in their new Parisian home.

“A difficult challenge, but well done! ”

With the initial triptych of budget/surface/location, Gwénaëlle immediately understood the difficulty of finding Vincent and Camille. But she is not a woman who gives up easily. After helping them to understand the reality on the ground, she led them to a more accessible neighborhood, while meeting their fundamental criteria. In one month, the deal was over!

“Valuable support”

Buying is never easy, so doing it remotely is even more complicated. Therefore, professional support becomes very valuable — both for the research itself and for administrative and financial benefits.

Finally, the testimony of our client:

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“With GWENAELLE we were very well guided, very professional, knowing her job well and supporting us all the way in all difficulties. I recommend it. It even does a lot more! Thanks Gwénaëlle! Everything was perfect!”