
How does a hunter network like HOME SELECT work?

HOME SELECT PARIS is above all a team with multiple qualities. But how does a network of real estate hunters like ours work? This is what we invite you to discover today.

Hunters who are experts in their sectors

At, we each have several sectors that we know better than others. Thus, by calling on our team, you are sure to find at least one real estate hunter who is an expert in your district or neighborhood of choice.

Jean Mascla, founder

Jean Mascla

As a client, Jean Mascla was often dissatisfied with the real estate services offered to him. It is therefore logical that he launched his own business combining real estate hunting and customer relationships. He knows the center of Paris very well, such as the 7th arrondissement and the 16th. But today, he is more dedicated to the development of

Anne Lecourt

Anne Lecourt - chasseur d'appartement

On a daily basis, I put at the service of my clients my knowledge of Parisian buildings, my keen eye, my ability to identify the potential of a property and its various development possibilities, as well as my qualities of rigor, analysis and persistence. Intuitive, psychologist, I listen attentively that allows me to quickly integrate your needs, tastes and desires, to identify your essential criteria to rigorously select the properties to offer you. Talk to Anne Lecourt about your project.

Arnaud Meunier

Arnaud Meunier

After listening and understanding your needs, Arnaud sets out to search for the ideal property. His perfect knowledge of Paris is truly an asset to be effective. The sectors taken care of by Arnaud are Paris 15, west and center.

Catherine Ziegler

Catherine Ziegler - chasseur immobilier

A graduate of the European Business School in Paris, Catherine Ziegler has lived in the United States and Belgium. She used the services of real estate hunters as a client and that's how she discovered this universe. Today, she is the one looking for properties for future buyers in the 6th, 7th, 8th, 15th and 16th districts. Talk to Catherine about your project.

Frédéric Girard

 Frédéric Girard - chasseur immobilier

Paris and Western Paris are in the favor of Frédéric Girard who believes that to succeed as a real estate hunter, you must “a good pair of sports shoes and a real curiosity for the city and the people”. He therefore travels around the capital with good shoes to find the property of your dreams. Talk to Frédéric about your project.

Gaëlle Loheac

Gaëlle Loheac - chasseur immobilier

In which sectors does Gaëlle Loheac conduct her research? Mainly in the 9th arrondissement and north of the Seine (Right Bank). Initially attracted to the notary profession, she then turned to “flat hunting”. Methodical, she puts her “pugnacity [and his] taste for research and negotiation” at your service.Talk to Gaëlle about your project.

Gwénaëlle Benon

Gwenaelle Benon

Listening to your needs and desires, we will determine your research together, in a targeted manner, and study its feasibility. Gwénaëlle Benon is committed to creating a relationship of trust for a successful searchTalk to Gwénaëlle Benon about your project.

Karine Bouchet

It is in the 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th, 11th, 12th and 20th districts of Paris as well as in the inner suburbs (Vincennes, Saint-Mandé, Fontenay-sous-Bois, Les Lilas, Montreuil and Bagnolet) that Karine Bouchet carries out her real estate research.Her role? You avoid wasting time and traveling for nothing and, of course, finding the ideal property.Talk to Karine about your project.

Lourdes Manasterski

My mission is to make finding an apartment a “happy” experience by listening to my customers. My goals are to create opportunities, to be in the field, to interact with my network of professionals and to defend your interests. I adopt a simple methodology that focuses on trust and transparency.Talk to Lourdes Manasterski about your project.

Luz Ollivon

Luz Ollivon

Energetic and passionate, Luz offers you a quality service by bringing your real estate project closer to the market offer (professionals and individuals). Having initially worked alongside the selling client with 10 years of experience in real estate negotiation, Luz decided to turn to the buying client by becoming an apartment hunter at Home Select. Its sectors: Paris 15, 16, 7, 7, 6, 8.Talk to Luz about your project.

Marie Esmieu-Fournel

Marie Esmieu-Fournel

The 5th and 6th districts as well as the southern suburbs have no mysteries for Marie Esmieu-Fournel, a law graduate from the Sorbonne. At the end of her studies, she launched a seasonal apartment rental agency in Paris. Then she opted for a career in real estate research.Talk to Marie about your project.

Monica Paris

Monica Paris

Central and Western Paris as well as 92 West are the sectors in which Monica Paris is a specialist. Listening, understanding and communication are the key words of this notary graduate. Responsive, rigorous and serious, she makes every effort to “find the real estate that you will be happy to find every day”.Talk to Monica about your project.

Ségolène Sautarel

 Ségolène Sautarel

Are you looking for a property in the 2nd, 9th, 17th or 18th arrondissement? You can count on the enthusiasm, seriousness, curiosity and determination of Ségolène Sautarel. After an initial interview with future buyers, she embarks on rigorous research.Talk to Ségolène about your project.

Sophie Ithurbide

Sophie Ithurbide

Before joining the real estate world, Sophie worked in the fashion sector. And what did he like the most? Find clothes for your customers. Added to this her passion for Paris and now she is a real estate hunter. Her research sectors? The 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 8th, 8th, 8th, 9th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th districts.Talk to Sophie about your project.

Sophie Rivière

Sophie Rivière

Its priority will be to identify your real estate project according to precise specifications. It will establish a relationship of trust between you, by responding to it as best as possible. She will be your privileged interlocutor, working to simplify your life and find you the dream property. Its research sectors? Paris center. Talk to Sophie about your project

Véronique Savoyen

Véronique Savoyen

Because she is used to combining her role as a mother and her professional life, Véronique Savoyen knows that good daily organization is essential and that your time is precious. Specialist in Western Paris and in the Boulogne Billancourt sector where she lives and which she therefore knows perfectly, she puts her experience and energy at your service.Talk to Véronique about your project.

Competition 0 — team spirit 1

At, we are therefore several real estate hunters. But we are not competing, quite the opposite. For us, team spirit is essential and it is also the recipe for many of our successes. So, even if we often work individually on our own, it is not uncommon for us to join forces to carry out a real estate search and thus put all the chances on our side.Isn't it said that “there is strength in numbers”?