Apartment hunter called upon to make a first real estate purchase

1000€ for you
Discover a search quickly conducted by Luz Ollivon, our apartment hunter specialized in Central and Western Paris. In search of his first real estate purchase, Pierre is a very busy young man! However, he knows exactly what he wants and will know how to define his criteria well to allow Luz to offer him only interesting properties, before finding the right one for him!
What is Pierre's project?
Pierre is a very dynamic young man, working in finance with passion. Currently renting his apartment on 17E arrondissement, he wants to invest in real estate, to benefit from attractive interest rates and build up a wealth. A first-time buyer, he enjoys a comfortable location and parental support, which is conducive to attracting all lending institutions.
Why does he need an apartment hunter?
Entirely busy with his job, Pierre does not have the time and the reactivity necessary to find his future apartment. It was therefore quite natural that he started researching on the Internet to find a real estate hunter.
How did he select HOME SELECT real estate hunter?
During his research, Pierre came across the HOME SELECT site. The testimony of his customers and his serious image motivated him to fill out the contact form. As soon as it was received, Jean Mascla immediately referred this case to Luz Ollivon, whose preferred sector, namely the center and west of Paris, coincided with that of Pierre.
What were Pierre's requirements in terms of location?
After getting his contact details, Luz called the young man to discuss together how HOME SELECT worked (especially in terms of fees), so that everything was perfectly clear.
Then, they defined the various criteria to be included in the search mandate: Pierre is looking for an apartment of at least 40 m², on a high floor, with a large living room, an open kitchen and a beautiful light. As he wanted to find a property based on €9500 per m², he was fully aware of the fact that part of his budget had to be devoted to work.
In terms of location, the young man required that his apartment should not be more than 30-40 minutes away from La Défense by metro, on line 2 (Place de Clichy, Blanche Pigalle, Anvers...).
Was Pierre able to visit several properties?
After setting up her alerts on the HOME SELECT application and after activating her personal network, Luz started to discover a few properties with high potential, even if they were few in number.
The first visit was organized for an apartment located in rue Dautancourt in the 17E arrondissement: under the spell of this property to be renovated from top to bottom, Pierre wrote a proposal that was lower than the posted price, but it did not pass...
Another caught Luz's attention: it was located on Capron Street, on the courtyard, overlooking the Square des Deux Nèthes with an unobstructed and green view (which was extremely rare and popular). Unfortunately, by the time our apartment hunter managed to contact Pierre (in a work meeting), the apartment was sold.
As a result, they decided to prepare a countersigned offer in case a similar situation occurred again. Pierre had also given Luz the contact details of an architect friend who could also decide for him, but the latter was not much more available than Pierre...
How did LUZ, HOME SELECT apartment hunter, find out?
One morning, the HOME SELECT application sends back a result in one of Luz's alerts set up for Pierre's search: upon reading the announcement, our real estate hunter immediately makes an appointment for a visit, even if he does it without Pierre, if he was not available. Our expert saw great potential for this property and did not want to miss it!
Why did the description of the property convince Luz to visit it?
Located on a street near Montmartre, the 37 m² apartment is in a very pretty building from the 1860s, both picturesque and well maintained. Despite its surface, the property seemed bigger! Facing south, it was bright, with a perfectly coherent plan. Almost rectangular and without any load-bearing walls, partitions could easily be knocked down to obtain the desired large living room, overlooking an open kitchen. In addition, as the bathroom was large, it was possible to gain a few more m² on the bedroom.
How did Pierre make his decision?
Luz was the second person to visit it, but she was the only one with a recorded offer in hand. Our apartment hunter therefore immediately sent the photos and videos of the property to get Pierre's permission to transmit the proposal. The young man therefore positioned himself by telephone on this apartment, which was totally within his budget, including work! That same evening, he could visit it and validate his first impressions.
As it was the first offer at the price received, the owner logically accepted it, and the acquisition process then went naturally and smoothly.
Who was in charge of the work to be done?
Pierre benefited from a budget to carry out his work and design an apartment according to his desires. He naturally gave this task to his architect friend, who also managed all the practical aspects.
“Stimulated by her responsiveness and her smile”
“If all customers could be like Pierre”! Both smiling and responsive, this stimulated Luz in her research, which was very active, even if the goods available were few in number.
“Need a hunter? Look no further, there is Luz! ”
Absolutely delighted with this collaboration, Pierre even recommended Luz to friends, with whom our apartment hunter is already working!