
ALUR law and real estate hunter: what impact on the profession?

Various laws govern the real estate sector. Among them, we find the ALUR law. But what is its impact on the real estate hunting profession?

ALUR law and real estate hunter: measures and recognition

What does the ALUR law propose and what is changing for the apartment hunter? We answer you.

Reminder: what does the ALUR law say?

The ALUR law (access to housing and renovated urban planning), promulgated in March 2014, aims to facilitate access to housing for the most modest households, but also to promote construction. The 177 measures that required texts were combined into 80 decrees. The order of publication of the latter was decided based on their impact on the purchasing power of households, but also on relationships between owners and tenants. “Reform of the right of pre-emption [...] establishment of local inter-municipal urban planning plans [...] strengthening the action of public land establishments for housing [and] simplification of public inquiries” are among the measures put in place with the ALUR law.The creation of the National Council of Real Estate Transaction and Management, the supervision of fees rental and rents in the event of a change of tenant or even the establishment, since 1Er August 2015, of the standard contract for residential leases are others.But what is the impact of this law on the profession of real estate hunter?

ALUR law and real estate hunter: a more recognized role

Among the flagship measures of the ALUR law, we previously mentioned the creation of the National Council for Real Estate Transaction and Management, whose field of application extends to the search for properties and therefore to the profession of real estate hunter. Remember that the apartment hunter is an expert who puts his skills at the service of buyers wishing to find a property. Until now, various professionals offered their services for the search for goods or the negotiation of prices without being holders of the professional transaction card called “T card”. In addition, they carried out these activities without “justifying professional aptitude, financial guarantee (not mandatory) or professional liability insurance.” Now, the search for real estate is officially subject to the Hoguet law, which also regulates the profession of real estate agent. To work as a real estate hunter, you must therefore respect various rules under penalty of criminal sanctions. We can therefore say that the ALUR law offers more recognition to the profession of real estate hunter by including it in the professions governed by the Hoguet law.

ALUR law and real estate hunter: reminder of legal obligations

What are the legal obligations of a real estate hunter?

Annual renewal of the T card and continuing vocational training

Being a T-card holder is one thing, but the Hoguet law also requires its annual renewal by the CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry). This renewal comes with another obligation for the apartment hunter: to update his knowledge through continuing professional training. There are training courses for future hunters or for those who already work in this profession. For example, training is built into modules and internships, focusing on real estate research, are to be carried out.

Home sales and legal obligations

Some real estate hunters do not have premises intended to receive their customers. They therefore go to their customers, it is then a question of door-to-door sales. But in some cases, various mistakes have been made: “absence of a withdrawal form or mandatory information, absence of indication of the place where the contract was signed, cancellation form separate from the contract”.Furthermore, the consumer is not always properly informed. So, “some professionals do not mention the individual VAT number, share capital number, and information relating to the professional card, which constitutes an offence under article 19 of the law of 21 June 2004. Others disregard the provisions of articles 92 and following of the decree of 20 July 1972, according to which all documents and mandates used in a professional capacity must include the number and place where the card was issued as well as the mention “non-holding of funds”.Finally, illegal commercial practices have been observed: “inaccuracies, display of ex-tax rates, inconsistency between the displayed selling price and that appearing in the mandate [...] collection of fees (generally 50%) as soon as the research contract is signed [...]”.With the ALUR law and therefore the Hoguet law, these various illegal practices are now sanctioned.

Why trust Home Select?

Do you want to entrust the search for your property to a professional real estate hunter? Here are three good reasons to use Home Select (although there are obviously more!).

Reason number 1: we are a team of professionals

Composed of 10 real estate professionals, our team ensures quality work combining speed, responsiveness and results.

Reason number 2: we respect the law

Home Select is the holder of the T15423 professional real estate transaction card. Our remuneration is based on the terms of the Hoguet law, i.e. based on the result. In addition, we do not collect any administrative fees until the sale is completed. In addition, we have taken out professional liability insurance and our fees are published online in particular.

Reason number 3: we offer a variety of services

Services adapted to your needs, that's what Home Select offers you. Research, sales and purchase formulas, à la carte... Get in touch with us! The ALUR law offers more recognition to the profession of real estate hunter by submitting it to the same rules as that of real estate agent. However, from an external point of view, a clearly defined legal framework is a guarantee of seriousness, but also of security. Real estate hunting is a profession in its own right and the ALUR law reminds us of this.